Bill’s Story
In 1973, a three-year-old boy with profound disabilities named Billy arrived at the Hattie Larlham Center for Children with Disabilities in Mantua, Ohio.
Under the care of Hattie Gadd Larlham herself, and the team of nurses and caregivers at the Center, Billy’ speech and movement dramatically improved. By the age of... Continue Reading
Sophia’s Story
Sophia has spent much of her young life at the hospital. Originally diagnosed with “failure to thrive”, she often endured numerous seizures and by 3 years old was no longer gaining weight and had difficulty eating. To sustain Sophia’s life, doctors decided that she needed a feeding tube and determined... Continue Reading
Ashley’s Story
Ashley Mills first joined the Hattie Larlham family in the summer of 2015. Ashley came to us as a job-seeker looking to prepare for community employment by participating in the work training program for adults with disabilities at Hattie's Doggie Day Care and Boarding. During her time spent with us... Continue Reading